The case for California walnuts is not just the high consumer demand for natural foods with added health value. In addition, the very high food safety, continuous quality, and reliability of the California walnut industry are also a strong factor.
California walnut growers and processors support research and innovation in water quality and conservation, soil, energy use, and air quality. The California walnut industry continually promotes innovative methods for growing and processing walnuts that minimize waste, increase productivity, and conserve and protect natural resources. California walnuts are grown, harvested and processed incompliance with standards and regulations mandated by federal and state agencies.
The California Walnut Commission has been supporting the trade and food industry for more than 30 years, thus ensuring continuous growth of the market.
The current California walnut harvest is in full swing. Order early to have enough fresh, new California crop in stock!
Please find a CA walnuts handler list here.